www.maxlifer.com ...
... highlights the activities of Kettering, Ohio, pro-life activist Vivian Skovgard, who volunteers as a sidewalk counseler, offering help and information to abortion-minded women as they enter abortion mills. A mother of two and grandmother of six, and great-grandmother of two (and counting), Vivian has volunteered at local respect life organizations including women's support centers and Dayton Right to Life. She has organized informational pickets at Planned Parenthood offices as well as prayer and counseling vigils at the abortion mills, and information outreach programs and information walks in the Dayton area. Vivian was a plaintiff in a federal district court of appeals case which helped clarify residential picketing laws. Several years ago she organized a Christmas for the Preborn program which gathers diapers and material items for women's support centers, as well as a Sing for Life program. She has also taken part in many local, state, and national marches, demonstrations, and rescues. Vivian also enjoys speaking to youth groups.
In 1999 and 2004 she walked 288 miles from Cleveland to Cincinnati to promote the sanctity of life and urge people to register and vote for pro-life candidates. During February Black History Month she has issued statements and held press conferences to highlight the disproportionate number of black babies lost through elective abortion. In April 2005, Vivian organized a memorial ceremony in front of the Federal Court Building in Dayton to honor the memory of Terri Schiavo. She organized informational pickets on RU-486 at Ohio Women's Center abortion office in Fairborn (now closed) as well as a Mother's Day Walk from the Kettering city center approximately one and a half miles to the abortion mill on Stroop Road in Kettering. Another avenue for creating awareness of the sanctity of life was through participation in the annual Labor Day Holiday at Home Parade in Kettering
FYI ...
- Read various documents concerning contracts with Wright State physicians that enable the killing of little preborn babies to continue at the Women’s Med Center abortion facility in Kettering. Also included are:
- Requests by the abortionist for variances to the requirement for hospitl transfer agreements,
- Ohio Department of Health responses to variance requests,
- Federal law suit filed September 1, 2015, by abortionists against the Ohio Department of Health contending that certain Ohio health regulations are unconstitutional, and
- Court orders in connection with that suit.
- View, download, print and distribute a brochure about the role that Wright State Physicians are playing in keeping the Kettering abortion center in business.
- Background information on the relationship between abortionist Haskell and the Wright State Physicians Group and Haskell's history of challenging Ohio health regulations.
- Kids-4-Kids: Young people sing to moms planning to abort their babies.
- Students from Fort Loramie encourage respect for life in Kettering.
- Listen to 911 calls from the Kettering abortion mill to deal with medical emergencies resulting from elective abortions.
- Check out our STOP ABORTION NOW car-window signs ... great little reminders on our car windows to help demonstrate the size and strength of the pro-life movement.
- Amazing 6-minute video documenting Your Life Before Birth from the Endowment for Human Development; share with everyone, particularly with schools. Think what this would do if every junior high school student sees this.
- Now on Youtube, Gramma4Preborn does the New Morality Rap
- Get the latest pro-life related news from LifeNews.com. Another great daily source for pro-life news, opinion and resources is LifeSite News.
- Ohio abortion statistics by age, race, marital status, educational level of the moms and by age of the baby or in the politically correct, euphemistic words of the Department of Health, "gestation in weeks of fetus". Last updated September 2024 with information through 2023.
- Genocide Awareness Project, and Created Equal are two of the most effective groups in exposing the truth about abortion and changing minds in our image-driven culture.
- Check out "I Want to Live", a video by a country duo, The Right Brothers. Also Nick Cannon's remarkable video
"Can I Live?".
- Don't miss fellow pro-lifer Linore Burkard's inspriational Christian Regency novels.
- Cinema Activism 101: Buy and see the DVD of Amazing Grace. Check out and support other life-affirming movies like Unplanned, Bella, Juno, and Fireproof.
E-mail: vivian@maxlifer.com