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Sing for Life

Set aside time for the Sing For Life program once a month from May through September in front of the Kettering abortion mill at 1401 East Stroop Road as we witness with music to mothers who are about to abort their babies. (Picture Gallery)

See slide show

If you are someone with a good strong voice and would like to use music to minister to people, call Vivian Skovgard at 937-367-6769 for more details on the program.

Even if you can spend only a half hour, please consider coming. As the choir sings, sidewalk counselors will be on hand to try to persuade the mothers not to kill their babies and make them aware of the support and services that are available, and that there are people who care.

If you are part of a choir or other singing group consider rehearsing songs for presentation at the next Sing for Life program. Come along and invite a friend!

[Some Songs We Sing]
[Picture Gallery]