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Calling Attention to Abortions
In the African American Community

Press Conference, February 11, 2005
Women's Med Center
1401 East Stroop Road
Kettering Ohio

Ten pro-life advocates gathered in snow flurries and chilly weather outside the Women's Med Center abortion mill in Kettering to voice their concern over the disproportionate number of abortions performed on African American women. Included were members of the Black Americans for Life, Dayton Right to Life, and individual pro-life activists. In her statement Vivian said that approximately 75 abortions had been done done at the Stroop Road facility the previous week and of that total approximately 25, or one third involved black women.

To no one's surprise none of the local mainstream news media who were invited, bothered to attend.

[February 11, 2005 Statement]
[February 24, 2019 Letter to the Editor]
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