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People who stand for life

Sidewalk Counselling

With over 2,000 preborn babies killed through elective abortion each day in the U.S. it's critical that those who believe in the sanctity of human life create an awareness of the humanity of preborn babies and the nature of abortion and actively work to end legal abortion and restore a greater respect for life. One of the most critical needs is to reach out to abortion minded mothers as they enter the abortion mills.

Too often women who have come to regret their abortions say that no one was there to offer them an alternative. That should never happen because within our community we have the resources to offer any abortion minded mother the help she needs to get through the difficulties she faces without aborting her child.

In the few short moments as the expectant mothers walk from the parking lot to the front door of the abortion mill, sidewalk counsellors provide information and make appeals in the hope that something of what is heard or seen will cause the mother to pause and reflect and change her mind about the abortion she is scheduled to have.

Given the great interest in other great tragedies of our times and the massive media attention given to them, it's a sad commentary on our society that so few people have taken an interest in the needless killing of millions of preborn babies over the years.

On the other hand, we're encourged by the faithfulness of those who do make the effort to take a public stand for life.

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People who stand for life